Advanced Teacher Training 200 h Yoga Alliance certified
1.5 years of unraveling your true Self with
Bettina Wentzel and Julia Weis
What to expect?For you teaching
* Receive a practical class-structure-blueprint as a foundation for a vast verity of balanced and meaningful classes * Receive three pre-built flows (POWER, PASSION, PEACE) for you to use as an immediate take away * Tools to dive deep into your own self-practice as a foundation to stay inspired and connected to the core of Yoga For your personality * A safe container for personal reflection and growth * Free yourself from who you think you have to be in order to rock who you really are with grace and boldness * Being part of a heart centred group authentically integrate your unraveled Power, Passion and Peace into your personality * Tools for authentic leadership For your life * Following the trajectory of a holistic lifestyle * An enhanced life experience enjoying a balanced body, a focused mind and connection to something bigger * Tapping into Wholeheartedness |
Our schedule7 weekends @ Yogahaus Ettlingen
1 Immersion @ Sunshine House Greece Part I @yogahaus ettlingen: 2018 13.07.-15.07. POWER on the mat 31.08.-02.09. PASSION on the mat 23.11.-25.11. PEACE on the mat 2019 08.-10.03. ROCK THE ROOM: Facilitation Principles Take your teaching to the next level Part II @sunshinehouse greece: 22.-29.04.2019 METTAMORPHOSIS:
Part III @yogahaus ettlingen: 05.-07.07. POWER in life 06.-08.09. PASSION in life 08.-10.11. PEACE in life |
Weekend schedule
Friday: 3-9pm Saturday & Sunday: 8am-6pm Timings include 1h break —> 25 EducationalUnits per weekend Foundational Literature:
Foundational literature Part I * Donna Farhi: Yoga Mind Body & Spirit * Cindi Lee: Yoga Body, Buddha Mind * Max Strom: A life worth Breathing Foundational literature Part II * Alanna Kaivalya & Arjuna van der Kooij: Myths of the Asanas * AcroBhakti: Kirtan Time * Bernie Clark: Your Body, Your Yoga Foundational Literature Part III * Brené Brown: Braving the Wilderness * Miguel Ruiz: The 4 Agreements * Bernie Clark: From the Gita to the Grail |
Immersion Infos
ARRIVAL: 22nd of April before 6pm DEPARTURE: 29th of April after 1pm Included: 3-4 bedroom
1.111€ for Part I weekend Trilogy + week 4 1.111€ for Part II Mettamorphosis Immersion 1.111€ for Part III weekend Trilogy Prerequisites
The training is not a basic but an advanced training